Are you looking for Depression Treatment near West Palm Beach? Our Treatment Center GIA offers the most advanced and up-to-date, evidence-based treatment approaches tailored to suit your needs. Our outpatient facilities are in the heart of Miami, providing convenience and accessibility for every patient.
Treatment for Depression at GIA Miami
At GIA Miami, we understand just how difficult living with depression can be. That’s why we’re here to provide you with a solid treatment plan and get you on the road to recovery. Our treatment center brings together a range of holistic and clinical treatment options to provide the best care and support possible.
Some of our options for depression treatment include:
- Group therapy
- One-to-one therapy
- Medication management
- Behavioral health therapy
- Alternative therapies such as art, equestrian, and music therapy sessions
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy
- Family therapy
- Dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring disorders
We also cater to a wide range of mental health disorders and substance abuse issues ranging from alcohol abuse and anxiety to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and trauma. So, there’s something for every condition.
Now more than ever, depression is becoming one of the most debilitating global disabilities. The rise of depression began a few decades ago, and it appears that it is not stopping any time soon.
Perhaps depression is or has already affected your life in profound ways, hurting your family, romantic relationship, or work dynamics. If this is the case, please remain hopeful – there is a bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Depression hurts, but it is a treatable mental health condition. At GIA Miami, we know that with the right treatment, care, and support, any person can overcome symptoms of depression.
To better understand depression, we explore the most significant aspects of this mental illness and how you can embark upon the path to recovery here.
What Is Depression?
Have you felt sad, unmotivated, and empty in the past weeks or months? Have you stopped seeing the point of setting goals and dreams for the future? If so, you may be experiencing a form of depression.
Depression is a mental health condition that can influence your actions, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. Essentially, it affects all aspects of your life. Unfortunately, it is also a mental illness that can impact anyone, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, financial situation, or religious affiliation.
Depression Symptoms
We mentioned that depression is more than feeling sad. But what are the other symptoms? The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is responsible for studying, researching, and publishing the diagnostic guidelines for mental health conditions in the United States.
The APA published these guidelines in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). In 2013, the APA released the latest edition called DSM-V. When we speak about depression, the DSM-V notes that the following symptoms have to be present for two weeks or more:
- Feeling sad, hopeless, or empty almost all the time.
- Having no interest or not feeling pleasure when participating in any activity.
- Feeling tired all the time, even if you have not engaged in physical activities.
- Weight gain or loss not related to being on a diet.
- A lack of concentration, trouble making decisions, or slow thought processes almost every day.
- Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
- Experiencing reduced physical movements and speech perceptible to other people.
- Ongoing thoughts of death.
- Thinking about, planning, or attempting suicide.
If you or a loved one experiences any of these symptoms for more than two weeks and they do not seem to go away, please know that you deserve to receive help. No one needs to go through depression alone.

Depression Treatment Center Near West Palm Beach
There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to depression treatment. It’s a complex mental health disorder, and everybody is affected by it differently, so what works for one person may not work for another. The great thing, however, is that depression can be treated. With appropriate support and treatment, you can learn how to cope better and live a fulfilling life.
In general, the earlier you receive a diagnosis and start treatment, the quicker and more effective your recovery will be. Many treatment options are available, so antidepressants aren’t the only option (though they are effective, especially when combined with other treatment options).
Medications like antidepressants are often used to treat depression as they can help the brain regulate emotions and chemicals better. The whole point of medication is to improve mood and symptoms. If medication is a suitable treatment option for you, you should begin to see a noticeable difference within two to four weeks of commencing treatment.
Though it is recommended if you’re suffering from a severe case of depression, medication is not for everyone. At GIA Miami, we can help you with the dosage and answer any questions you might have.
Therapy is an important part of depression treatment and is often used to treat various other disorders like anxiety. The reason therapy is so critical is because it focuses on improving your behavioral health helping you work through your emotional pain and trauma.
Therapy is more than just talking to someone or getting advice – it’s about understanding your triggers, your coping mechanisms, and ways in which you can better handle moments of stress and anxiety. In the case of depression, therapy comes in many forms, including:
- Family therapy. Family therapy is an excellent way of working through problems together to repair relationships. It also helps both sides understand each other.
- Individual therapy. Also known as one-to-one therapy, individual therapy is used to work through personal problems and help you better understand yourself and your condition.
- Group therapy. Group therapy includes meeting with other people in recovery, such as those suffering from depression. During group therapy, you will begin to see that you’re not alone in your situation. You’ll also be able to forge friendships and seek inspiration from others who have achieved recovery.
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). A talking therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you manage your problems and overcome negative patterns through healthy coping mechanisms.

Alternative Treatment
Alternative treatment is anything that’s not medically classified as ‘standard Western treatment.’ It usually involves taking a holistic approach and focuses on various things like spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. This can include everything from acupuncture, yoga therapy, and herbal remedies to meditation and massage.
Other forms of alternative treatments rooted in science include brain stimulation therapies such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and eye-movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR), an eye-movement treatment that encourages clients to focus intensely on traumatic moments. It’s believed that this bilateral stimulation from eye movement helps reduce the impact of these traumatic events and lessens their hold on the individual.
This form of depression treatment won’t work for everyone, but it will work wonders for some. It’s most often used in cases where traditional treatment hasn’t helped. A good way to approach alternative treatment is to combine it with other types of treatment like medication and therapy, as it will assist you in practicing self-care and improving your well-being.
Treatment Centers for Depression near West Palm Beach, Florida
If you’re suffering from severe depression, undergoing treatment alone might not be enough. This is especially true in cases of treatment-resistant depression, as you’ll probably want a lot more hands-on support and guidance, which is exactly what a depression treatment center can offer. For example, at GIA Miami, we can provide you with a personalized treatment plan and advice on tackling each stage of your recovery journey.
Often, treatment facilities also cater to disorders like substance abuse and anxiety, so if you struggle with a co-occurring disorder, you’ll be able to overcome both step-by-step. This is known as dual diagnosis treatment, an approach that focuses on mental health and treating the person as a whole (mind, body, health, and mental well-being).
Treatment centers usually offer two main types of treatment; inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment. Both are slightly different from one another, and you’ll probably find that one option suits your situation better than the other.
Contact Us Today
Ready to begin your journey to recovery? Get in touch with our care team today, and they’ll help walk you through the admissions process and answer any questions you might have.
We provide support for West Palm Beach Community: Downtown , Northwood Village , Make Mangonia , Grandview Heights , Mango Promenade , Northboro Park Historic District , Parker Ridge , Palm Beach Lakes , Flamingo Parks , 33401 , 33402 , 33403 , 33405 , 33407 , 33409 , 33411 , 33412 , 33417
Other locations we support: Miami